My Collection
By Format
45cm Silk Gavroches
70cm Silk Scarves
90cm Silk Scarves
140cm Silk Scarves
Other Formats
Scarf Rings
By Artist
The Rehome Pile
Hermes Belt Watch with Two Leather Straps
Buffalo Horn H Necklace
Costume de Fete 90cm Silk Scarf for Sale
Coupons Indiens 90cm Silk Scarf for Sale
Faune et Flore du Texas 70cm Silk Scarf
Geometrie Cretoise 140cm Cashmere for sale
La Legende du Cheval a Plumes 90cm Silk Scarf
La Vie au Sauvage 90cm Silk Scarf
Les Artisans 90cm Silk Scarf for Sale
Monsieur et Madame 90cm Silk Scarf
Onimaitou Crossbody Bag
Reve d'Australie 140cm SIlk Mousseline Shawl for sale
Rives Fertile 90cm Plisse Silk Scarf
Mountain Zebra - 90cm Carre for sale
About Me
Unknown artists
I'm guessing this happens more frequently than we realize, but Hermes offers uncredited designs. These smaller-format graphic designs have no signature, no 'tell' as to what artist brought these to life.
Dansez, 70cm cotton
Cotton Pareo