Aline Honore
Aline Honore creates amazing borders in her scarves, but she's so versatile that it's hard to characterize her portfolio. One thing her scarves have in common is they tie like a dream. It took me a long time to really appreciate her work - most Honore scarves in Ye Olde Scarf Drawer were acquired in the past 2 years. I have yet to find a Sieste carre but the hunt continues!
Other scarves designed by Aline Honore
- Vie du Fleuve, 2005
- Les Jardins Andalousie, 2006
- Au Coeur de la Vie, 2007
- La Femme aux Semelles du Vent, 2009
- Pelages et Camouflage, 2010
- Cent Plis de Maio, 2010
- Sieste au Paradise, 2015