It's bright, it's weird, it's a scarf destined to be in Ye Olde Scarf Drawer. It ties like a dream, and I'd love to play with other colorways.
From the Hermes Story Behind:
This carre looks back at the epic of Pierre Loti and his insatiable desire for elsewhere. His peregrinations have inspired many writings, sketches and photographs. A hive of images have inspired this carre, a sort of puzzle reuniting the many lives and facets of the writer: the young army recruit, the proud French Camel Corps soldier, the naval officer, the Turkish dandy, the eccentric orientalist, and many more. Signs of places visited, collages of photographs, objects and portraits... the carre turns into an exotic travel diary where we find this famous phrase: "Oh, how good it feels here, but how disastrous this desire that grasps me, to always want to depart again."
From the Hermes Story Behind:
This carre looks back at the epic of Pierre Loti and his insatiable desire for elsewhere. His peregrinations have inspired many writings, sketches and photographs. A hive of images have inspired this carre, a sort of puzzle reuniting the many lives and facets of the writer: the young army recruit, the proud French Camel Corps soldier, the naval officer, the Turkish dandy, the eccentric orientalist, and many more. Signs of places visited, collages of photographs, objects and portraits... the carre turns into an exotic travel diary where we find this famous phrase: "Oh, how good it feels here, but how disastrous this desire that grasps me, to always want to depart again."